Wendy Fairclough completed a Bachelor of Visual Arts from South Australian School of Art in 1991 and in 2000 she gained a Bachelor of Applied Arts majoring in glass also so from the University of South Australia. She has exhibited extensively around Australasia. She has received numerous awards and grants including a scholarship to Pilchuck Glass School, USA. Her works are held public and private collections in New Zealand and Australia such as the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongawera and the Australian National Art Glass Collection.
Gina Jones was born in Christchurch in 1963. She graduated with a Bachelor of Business Studies from Victoria Unitversity in 1984 then with a Bachelor of Architecture (Hons) in 1987. She gained a Masters in Fine Arts from RMIT in 2005. She has been a finalist in the 2006 Norsewear and Trust Waikato Contemporary Art Awards. Jones current lives in Wellington and works as an exhibiting artist and an architect.